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The Division of Labor

from "Classical Sociological Theory" (University of Amsterdam) via Coursera

Division of Labor: Burgers and Ships

Marginal Revolution University Marginal Revolution University

Wealth of Nations, the Division of Labor

Marginal Revolution University

An Animal That Trades Video Series

A five-part short video series on the life and contemporary relevance of Adam Smith with complementary questions for discussion.

The Ambivalent Mr Smith

Amy Willis for AdamSmithWorks How can we ensure our youngest both learn the primary skills they need to navigate the world successfully and maintain their sense of Wonder? … state have some duty with regard to the nurture of Wonder, as a complement to or in addition to academic skills? And perhaps most interestingly to me, what would an education that nurtures Wonder (while still imparting academic skills) look like today?

Three Cheers for Adam Smith's Cities

Kyle Swan for AdamSmithWorks If we look carefully, we see that Smith praises both town and country living for promoting “independency.” He says that it arose much earlier for those in the city; but, it’s also one of the main attractions of country life. … … and Poverty in the Liberal Tradition” Wealth of Nations Reading Guide for Book 3, Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 (quotation sources) Related Links Michael Munger, Division of Labor Part 3: The System of Exchange Andrew Smith, On the Development of Communities

Great Antidote Extras: Jeremy Lott on Comics, Adam Smith, and More

Christy Lynn for AdamSmithWorks Jeremy Lott talks about his hopes for his kids, finding meaningful projects, his favorite projects, and lots of Adam Smith. … Change Your Life Dianne Durante on Innovators in Sculpture (& related Great Antidote Extra) Sarah Skwire on Pro Market Literature and Feminism (& related Great Antidote Extra) Radio play of Duane Kelly’s Enquiry Concerning Hereafter, Part 1 and Part 2.

Adam Smith: Myths and Realities

Richard McKenzie for AdamSmithWorks Myth 2: Adam Smith argued that the welfare gains from free trade among nations were limited to countries’ exploitation of their production cost advantages. … the means to build more and improved roads and canals that connect up local markets, making them more competitive and efficient. Thus, Smith’s supposed limited-purpose free-trade theory morphs into a theory of economic growth and development over time.

Dear Adam Smith: Entrepreneur Inquiring

Hire a partner or a part-time employee? Adam Smith is here to help a craft soap maker clean up her thinking on a murky choice. Dear Adam Smith, I’m writing to you to ask for your help. I’m the owner of a small, craft soap making business. I’ve been moderately successful launching but am struggling to take my business to the next level. The big challenges I’m facing are getting …

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

… elements of political economy, from market pricing and the division of labor to monetary, tax, trade, and other government policies that affect economic behavior. Throughout he offers seminal arguments for free trade, free markets, and limited government. #

Adam Smith Escape Room

Terra Aquia for AdamSmithWorks High School teachers who teach Adam Smith are already going beyond the requirements. Add the Adam Smith Escape Room to your list of activities to take your students beyond the ordinary as well. … Harder? Ignore the Benefits of Division of Labor at AdamSmithWorks Lauren Heller's Adam Smith and Owning It with The Mystery of the Invisible Hand at AdamSmithWorks Other AdamSmithWorks Teaching resources Teaching Resources from other organizations

#ReadWithMe: Ritchie Robertson’s The Enlightenment Part 5: Practical Enlighteners

Amy Willis for AdamSmithWorks How are (and were!) the forces of commerce to be used to the best advantage of all people? In part, with improvements in agriculture, medicine, and more. Amy Willis continues her adventures reading Ritchie Robertson's The … … , Part II: Of Police Graham McAleer, Smith’s Scientific Milestones, at Speaking of Smith Maryann Keating, Adam Smith on Fostering Civility and Self-Control at AdamSmithWorks Sarah Skwire, What would Adam Smith think about your iPhone? at Speaking of Smith

Adam Smith Wishes You a Mereology Christmas

Graham McAleer for AdamSmithWorks Aristotle’s proposition that individuals belong more to the republic than to themselves folds the part (individual) into the whole (polity). This mereology collapsed, argues Strauss, when people adopted the Christian … … bolted on to ancient organicism. I propose that probing thoughts were going on inside Smith’s head when he sat in the pews at Christmas. Related Links: Samuel Fleischacker, Adam Smith on Religion Michael Munger, Division of Labor three-part essay

The Grand Regulator: Monopolies as Hindrances to Prosperity

Nathalie Smallidge for AdamSmithWorks In Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations he shows how monopolies hinder prosperity and contain the seeds of their own destructions. The merchants and other laborers who work within market systems will always be chipping away … … not succeed due to the malmanagement of monopolies, the interests of the nation and the merchants will always be at odds. This essay is a revised and excerpted extract from Prosperity in the Colonies, my senior essay (St. John's College, Annapolis, 2022).

Kristi Kendall on Filmmaking and Documenting Our Divisions

Kristi Kendall with Juliette Sellgren February 22, 2024

What would Adam Smith think about "vocations"?

Janet Bufton and Christy Lynn for AdamSmithWorks Would Adam Smith have thought of some kinds of work as vocational? … from Adam Smith's choices in his own life. Want to read more? Sarah Skwire's What Would Adam Smith Think of My Weekend? and Work, with a Side of Yarn Elizabeth M. Hull's Adam Smith and Silas Marner: Heaps of Gold Dear Adam Smith: An Antidote To Torpor

Smith and Rousseau's Competing Visions of Commercial Society

January/February 2024 with Ted Harpham … Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith WN: Part I: Chapters 1 and 2 (pp. 13-30) Adam Smith: Conclusion to Chapter 11 (pp. 264-67) Adam Smith WN Part III:  Chapter 1 (pp. 376-380) Adam Smith WN Part IV: pp. 687-88. …

Adam Smith on the Rich and the Poor

Christopher Martin for AdamSmithWorks Martin looks closely at when and how Adam Smith advocates for the interests and welfare of the least well off. Did Adam Smith always side with the poor and weak against the rich and powerful? Christopher Martin gives … … Fund. Smith, A., 1982. The Theory of Moral Sentiments. D.D. Raphael and A.L. Macfie (Eds.) Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund. Smith, A., 2009. Lectures on Jurisprudence. R. L. Meek, D. D. Raphael, and P. G. Stein (Eds.). Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund.

Francis Hutcheson: Property as a Way to Virtue

Erik Matson for AdamSmithWorks March 2 2022 The rudimentary conventions of property emerge in Hutcheson’s account, as they do for Adam Smith, as a consequence of our native moral sentiments.

Ghost Story

Newly elected American President Elizabeth Montgomery faces an economic crisis. The night before her State of the Union address, she is visited by the ghosts of Smith and John Maynard Keynes.