Daniel Rothschild on Liberalism and Think Tanks

civil discourse mercatus center economic institutions

December 16, 2022

Daniel Rothschild is the executive director of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Today, we talk about liberalism and institutions, whatever that means.

After exploring their definitions, he talks to us about the role of each in society at the current moment, how this is a departure from the past, and potential paths forward. We also talk specifically about think tanks as an institution- both what they are and the role they play in upholding a liberal order. 

And don't miss Janet Bufton's Great Antidote EXTRA on this episode, where you'll find even more to explore!

Want to explore more?
Emily Chamlee-Wright on the LIberal Sensibility, a Great Antidote podcast.
Visit the Mercatus Center website.
Lars  Peder Nordbakken and Leonidas Zelmanovitz, Ideas Trigger Change at Econlib.
Pedro Schwartz, Ideas Matter, at Econlib.
