Brad Wilcox on Get Married
The most common statistic cited regarding marriage and relationships in the United States is that the 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Another one that is gaining traction is that more Americans than ever before will end up unmarried and alone. Nobody likes these statistics.
Extras: Samuel Gregg on National Security and Industrial Policy
When government officials pick winners and losers people are poorer and less secure. Kevin Lavery listens in to Samuel Gregg and Juliette Sellgren and offers up lessons on what can happen when national security is badly used as justification for industrial policy.
Cara Rogers Stevens on Thomas Jefferson and Slavery
Thomas Jefferson was a complicated figure. Essential to the start of our country and the university I attend, he is impossible to ignore. Yet, he held slaves, and at the same time said “all men are created equal.” What’s up with that?!?
Extra: Alice Temnick on Teaching, Learning, and Adam Smith's Education
Students often need guidance. Great teachers are great guides. Nancy Vander Veer listens in and shares what she learned. You're next!