Commerce, morality, equality, the rule of law, and the role of government… Welcome to the world of Adam Smith.

What can we learn about our own world from Smith? Join the workers in an 18th century pin factory to find out more…

Interactive Pin Factory

Listen to the latest podcast episodes with full show notes and transcripts.

The Great Antidote

Speaking of Smith is a blog that explores the ideas, legacy, and relevance of Adam Smith.

Speaking of Smith


Adam Smith, the German Historical School, and Walter Eucken

Photo from the Walter Eucken InstitutWalter Eucken decisively contributed to the decline of the German Historical School's and, in particular, their criticisms and misunderstandings of Adam Smith's theories. Grudev and Kolev examine the evolution of the Historical School's perspectives on Smith and the "Adam Smith Problem" starting with Smith's contemporaries through to mid-20th century.

On Self-Interest and Old Books

Misinterpretations of Adam Smith can illustrate why it's important to get old knowledge right before building something new.

Extras: Kristi Kendall on Human Action and Inspiring Through Ideas

Alice Temnick offers opening questions for how we can communicate for connection.


An Animal That Trades

A five-part short video series on the life and contemporary relevance of Adam Smith.


Tan on Matson's New Paternalism Meets Older Wisdom

December 12, 2024 A new book rewards the reader with lessons from the work of Adam Smith and David Hume to answer the challenges posed by "new paternalists." But more could be done to clarify where the author's work overlaps with those he criticizes and to explain how internal moral and choice mechanisms interact with external factors and policymaking.


Activity: Can we expect free trade?

Use this quotation from Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations to prompt a discussion of how likely it is that any country will ever have completely free trade.

Pins, Pencils, and the Invisible Hand

Explore a pin factory with Adam Smith and contemplate the creation of the humble pencil to understand better how markets and prices help people coordinate their economic activity.

AdamSmithWorks Lesson Plans

Original, classroom-ready activities to use with your students TODAY.


Essays on Philosophical Subjects

Reflecting Adam Smith’s wide learning and varied interests, these essays shed considerable light on his place in the Scottish Enlightenment. Included are histories of astronomy, ancient logic, and ancient physics; essays on the “imitative” arts and the affinity between music, dancing, and poetry; and a critical review of Samuel Johnson’s famous Dictionary, which Smith originally published in the Edinburgh Review (1755–1756).