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Economists Often Solve Puzzles - But What About Murders?
May 9, 2022 "Because of Wheeler’s constant womanizing, Monte Vista turns out to be a target rich environment for suspects. The mystery that Spearman and Fuller have to untangle is this: Was the artist’s death truly a suicide, a crime of passion, or are … Protagonists of detective fiction are drawn from a long list of occupations: police, of course, but also private investigators, aristocrats, housewives, philosophers, priests, precocious children. Economists, however, have not been well represented among …
Adam Smith Helps Andrew Smith Explain Labor Markets
June 29, 2023 "It’s Adam Smith’s 'Invisible Hand' at work - by acting to satisfy our own gain, we direct our work that produces the greatest value not just to ourselves, but to society." … : A New Look at Smith’s Most Famous Sentences Paula Richey and Jeremy Lott's Adam Smith Comics: The Butcher, The Baker, and the Brewer Garret Edwards' Competition as a Discovery Procedure: Smith, Hayek and Leoni Peter Foster's Adam Smith's Invisible Hand
Adam Smith Comics: How The Theory of Moral Sentiments Begins
July 11, 2023 "How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others..." Thus, Adam Smith beings his Theory of Moral Sentiments and artist Sally Madden shows us another way … … and editor Jeremy Lott can be found here: The Opening of The Theory of Moral Sentiments More on Smithian Sympathy? Edward J. Harpham's Sympathy, Fellow-Feeling, and the Imagination Lauren Hall's Adam Smith, Sympathy, and Spontaneous Social-Moral Order
Adam Smith Comics: Not From Benevolence
August 3, 2023 Though benevolence and charity are good and necessary things, they are not how most wants can be met. Even beggars must trade.
Adam Smith and Owning It with The Mystery of the Invisible Hand
June 23, 2022 How can teachers introduce their students to Adam Smith's insights with less eye rolling and more engaged learning? Lauren Heller suggests using a little mystery, The Mystery of the Invisible Hand by Marshall Jevons, that is. … charm your students, eye rolls accepted. Want More? You can purchase the book! Listen to a Great Antidote podcast featuring Kenneth Elzinga where he talks about the books and many other things A more traditional review of the book by Jeremy Lott
‘Humiliations Galore’: Adam Smith meets Miracle Max
October 5, 2023 A pivotal scene from The Princess Bride illustrates a key Smithian insight. … on What would Adam Smith think about "vocations"? Elizabeth M. Hull's Adam Smith and Silas Marner: Heaps of Gold Adam Smith Comics: The Butcher, The Baker, and the Brewer by Paula Richey and Jeremy Lott AdamSmithWorks "An Animal That Trades" Video Series