Speaking of Smith Archives

Devoured by Wild Beasts or Drowned Like Puppies? With Markets, Neither

Maria Pia Paganelli for AdamSmithWorks

Adam Smith understood that prosperity decreases desperation and spares the lives of many infants, older persons, and vulnerable others who cannot participate directly in production. Have today's critics of markets forgotten this lesson?

Smithian Exchange Among Non-Human Animals

James E. Hanley for AdamSmithWorks

Smith wrote about the human propensity to "truck, barter, and exchange," but the modern science of animal behavior suggests that we are not exactly alone in this capability. 

The Moon Phase Watch and Adam Smith’s Philosophy of History

Graham McAleer for AdamSmithWorks
Does Smith's philosophy of history give in to the apocalyptic temptation to "immanentize the eschaton"? A clue it does not is the moon phase watch. 

Adam Smith, Francis Fukuyama, and the Indignity of UBI

Thomas Koenig for AdamSmithWorks

UBI does not speak to the demands of dignity, nor to the Smithian needs to be seen and respected. 

Bargaining with the Butcher, Baker, and Brewer: A New Look at Smith’s Most Famous Sentences

Jacob Sider Jost for AdamSmithWorks

Our desire to persuade each other is not reducible to our pursuit of self-interest in a narrow material sense; it is rather a deep feature of human nature, one we share with the men and women whom we rely on for our food.