Garret Edwards

Fundación Libertad and the Latin American Educational Center
Garret Edwards is the Director of Legal Research at Fundación Libertad, a partner organization based in Rosario, Argentina. Edwards is also an Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Rosario and Venado Tuerto campuses of the Latin American Educational Center and Associate Professor of Political Law at UNR. Edwards holds an LL.M. from the London School of Economics and is a Ph.D. in law student at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. Edwards also is a practicing lawyer at Edwards Consulting Group, a Political Analyst on Pantalla Completa, and a Journalist and Political Analyst for CNN Radio Argentina. Edwards has a published paper in international law, an alumnus of The Smith Fellowship, a former Visiting Scholar at AIER, and is a Theodor-Heuss-Academy Graduate. Edwards has traveled extensively abroad to lecture on congresses, seminars and on a fellowship and scholarship capacity.