Philip Klein on Fight Club Conservatives vs. Disney

taxation domestic politics free speech special district status ron desantis

May 6, 2022

Philip Klein, author of two books and editor of National Review Online, talks to us today about the unprecedented move by Florida governor Ron DeSantis and the legislature to revoke Disney's special district status. We explore what special district status is, why this happened, what this means for conservatives (and the birth of fight club conservatives), and whether this is a threat to free speech.

And don't miss Christy Lynn's Great Antidote Deep Dive on this episode, where you'll find even more to explore!

Want to explore more?
Get some background information on Taxation in the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics.
Thelmo Vargas Madrigal, Adam Smith on Fiscal Policy, at Speaking of Smith
Wealth of Nations Book V, Chapter 2 Reading Guide, Of the Sources of the General or Public Revenue of the Society
