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The Physics and Metaphysics of Liberty: Adam Smith and William Blake

October 11, 2023 "Smith’s moral, political, and economic cases for liberty are compelling, stated as they are in purely practical terms, yet they leave some stones unturned. Enter William Blake, who asks, what if liberty is not only beneficial but also at … … be free, and any attempt to fetter us represents an offense against the divinely ordered reality. Should liberty’s defenders find themselves languishing for want of inspiration, they would be well-advised to supplement their reading of Smith with Blake.

Adam Smith on Resentment

May 15, 2019 … does worsen or harm . It is difficult to see how that harming can be justified. That is not a reason to abolish incarceration. It is a reason to reform it.  [xv] Smith, TMS, II.ii.2.3, 84. [xvi] Ibid., II, ii. 2.4, p. 85. [xvii] Ibid., II.ii.2.1, p. 82.

Guidebook to the Wealth of Nations: CH 7 Book III

Abstract Here Smith applies his theory to economic growth and development. Nations grow rich over time, even if not in the same way. In theory, they should first develop agriculture, then manufacture, then trade internationally. In practice, that was not …

Adam Smith Goes to the Movies: The Avengers

April 24, 2019 If Adam Smith were alive today, he’d be just as excited as the rest of us about the release of Avengers: Endgame … , to raise, to ravish ev’ry heart, With Shakespeare’s nature, or with Jonson’s art, Let others aim; ’t is yours to shake the soul With thunder rumbling from the mustard bowl... [4] "Of the Imitative Arts also appears in Essays on Philosophical Subjects.

Guidebook to the Wealth of Nations: CH 8 Book IV.1-6

Abstract (Book IV 1-6) Smith defines the Wealth of Nations as a violent attack against the mercantile order. Book IV contains his explicit attacks. The injustices and inefficiencies of the British mercantile empire are all traceable to what today we would … … to the government but significant for the Bank. If there is no seignorage, the government faces the expense of the mint, receives no revenue. What the Bank of England does not understand is that nobody benefits from it. FURTHER READINGS???? ???? ????

Guidebook to the Wealth of Nations: CH 10 Book V.1

Chapter 10: Book 5: Of the revenue of the sovereign or commonwealth Abstract (Book V.1) What are the functions of the sovereign, and what are the expenditures? Smith claims the sovereign is in charge of national defense, the administration of justice, and …

Guidebook to the Wealth of Nations: CH 10 Book V.1

Chapter 10: Book 5: Of the revenue of the sovereign or commonwealth Abstract (Book V.1) What are the functions of the sovereign, and what are the expenditures? Smith claims the sovereign is in charge of national defense, the administration of justice, and …

Alice Temnick on Adam Smith as an Educator

May 3, 2024 What might it have been like to be a student of Adam Smith, and if he hadn't quit teaching, would we have ever gotten The Wealth of Nations? Host Juliette Sellgren explores these questions and more with master teacher Alice Temnick. … to The Great Antidote Podcast; it means a lot. The Great Antidote is sound engineered by Rich Goyette. If you have any questions, any guests or topic recommendations, please feel free to reach out to me at Great Thank you.

Adam Smith Suggests You Read a Romance Novel (And Have a Laugh At Yourself)

February 14, 2022 Smith answers in advance a certain criticism that people often start leveling at him around Valentine’s Day: that he thinks love is “ridiculous.” Nope. No more than he finds studies or professions ridiculous. It’s just that they don’t … … Would Adam Smith Say About Love on Valentine's Day? | Adam Smith Works Renee Wilmeth's Adam Smith and Jane Austen | Adam Smith Works The Counterpoint: Adam Smith on the ridiculousness of romantic love (1759) | Online Library of Liberty (

What Would Adam Smith Say About Love on Valentine's Day?

February 10, 2021 Remember, lovebirds: You don’t have to think that Adam Smith was cynical about your doe-eyes and snuggles. … year remember, lovebirds: You don’t have to think that Adam Smith was cynical about your doe-eyes and snuggles. But he probably did think you should get a room. Related Links: Professor Spyridon Tegos, Is Love Ridiculous? David Hume on Love and Marriage

Happiness in Times of Crisis

December 13, 2020 By François Topino-Lebrun - Public Domain "In highlighting the anecdote of Pyrrhus and Cineas, Smith moves away from an answer to the happiness question that is merely economic or material." … our lives. Like Epicurus of Samos, one of the first proponents of practical philosophy—what we could call a philosophy geared toward our leading better lives—Smith wanted to bequeath us advice so that all his readers could live better lives and be happy.

Smith Lessons: What I've Learned from Adam and Vernon

November 12, 2020 … is found. As economists, maybe we ought to be thinking more about how we earn respect from those around us and what is considered respectable, and less time on the demand for potatoes or iPhones. Originally published at EconTalk, November 21, 2014.

Jane Eyre's Equality of Spirit

August 4, 2022 When Jane Eyre claims to be Mr. Rochester's equal, she has no social status, no financial security, and no political power. But she has certainty that her spirit, as it will stand before God, is equal to anyone else's spirit. … incredible odds to seize the happy ending that every authority figure in her childhood would have denied her: recovery and closure from trauma, a loving marriage rooted in mutual respect rather than financial maneuvering, and a child of her own.

People - Not Pieces in a Politician's Plan

March 3, 2022 Smith does not only think it’s necessary to accept individuals as imperfect, but he also warns against the desire to try to perfect humankind. A view of people as chess pieces on a board, acting by rules which are known and easy to …

Alice Temnick on Teaching, Learning, and Adam Smith's Education

February 16, 2024 … to the Great Antidote Podcast. It means a lot. The Great Antidote is sound engineered by Rich Goyette. If you have any questions, any guests or topic recommendations, please feel free to reach out to me at great Thank you.

Doing Good through Honest Commerce: Adam Smith and Joseph Butler

November 18, 2021 Honest commerce serves our own interests. But how does it relate to the duties of beneficence or serving the good of others?

On Why Mutual Sympathy is Important to Adam Smith

May 11, 2022 Nothing disturbs us more than to observe a lack of sympathy. The pleasures of mutual sympathy thus bring individuals together. … former. Smith writes, “Beneficence, therefore, is less essential to the existence of society than justice. Society may subsist, though not in the most comfortable state, without beneficence; but the prevalence of injustice must utterly destroy it. (86)↩

Self-Interest Implies Self-Governance but Does Not Guarantee It

January 10, 2024 [S]ociety cannot subsist unless the laws of justice are (mostly) observed as a matter of convention, so that everyone knows that everyone knows how to act, and will act justly, without being forced to do so. An orderly and flourishing …

Adam Smith, Inclination, and Need: A Re-interpretation of Self-Interest

August 19, 2020 By Andrea Vanni -, Public Domain,

Love as a foundation for sympathy: The role of imagination and recognition in Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments

… that Smith’s theory is a spectator theory, which we agree with since it is the spectator who enters into the other’s situation and makes moral judgments. Darwall (1999) on the other hand, argues that Smith’s theory is not a spectator theory.↩