Aeon J. Skoble

Bridgewater State University
Dr. Aeon J. Skoble is a Professor of Philosophy, the Bruce and Patricia Bartlett Chair of Free Speech and Expression, Chairman of the Philosophy Department, and Co-Coordinator of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Bridgewater State University, and Senior Fellow and the Fraser Institute. Dr. Skoble received his B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, and both his M.A. and Ph.D. from Temple University. Dr. Skoble has written and edited many journal articles, books, and related works in the areas of the theories of rights, virtue ethics, the overlap between philosophy and culture, and many other themes of philosophy, politics, and economics. A few of Dr. Skoble's works include his books, Deleting the State: An Argument about Government, and The Essential Nozick, and his journal articles Tenure: The Good Outweighs the Bad: A Surresponse to James E. Bruce, published in the Journal of Markets and Morality in 2019, and Liberty, Policy, and Natural Disasters published in the the Journal of Economists and Human Studies. Dr. Skoble also co-edited the books Political Philosophy: Essential Selections, Reality, Reason and Rights, and the best-selling book The Simpsons and Philosophy.