Max Skjönsberg

University of Cambridge
Dr. Max Skjönsberg is an Leverhulme Early-Career Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge where he is conducting a project on ‘The Making of a New Political Nation in Britain, 1760-1832’. Dr. Skjönsberg has a B.A. from the Queen Mary University of London, M.A. from the University College London and the Queen Mary University of London, and Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Dr. Skjönsberg has experience lecturing in politics and history at the University of York and the University of St. Andrews, and from 2019-2022 Dr. Skjönsberg was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Liverpool, where he assisted with "Libraries, Reading Communities and Cultural Formation in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic", a project funded by AHRC and led by Professor Mark Towsey. Dr. Skjönsberg is the author of five books, his first being 'The Persistence of Party: Ideas of Harmonious Discord in Eighteenth-Century Britain', and is the editor of Catharine Macaulay’s Political Writings. Dr. Skjönsberg's research is oriented around the history of political thought, especially in the 18th century, and political thinkers such as David Hume, Edmund Burke, and Adam Ferguson. His research has been published many times as journal articles, chapters in edited volumes, and review articles.
- Interpreting Smith at 300
- Adam Smith’s Readers in Eighteenth-Century Libraries
- Adam Smith on Political Parties
- Nils von Rosenstein: An Enlightened Follower of Adam Smith in Eighteenth-Century Sweden
- Adam Smith’s Readers in Bristol, 1773-1795
- Review: Skjönsberg on Sagar's Adam Smith Reconsidered
- Review: Skjönsberg on Stafford's The Case of Ireland
- Skjönsberg on Sagar's Adam Smith Reconsidered
- Skjönsberg on Stafford's The Case of Ireland
- The Two Adams of the Scottish Enlightenment and Political Economy
- The Two Adams of the Scottish Enlightenment and Political Economy, Part 2