Items tagged with ‘literature’
Curious Sympathies Between Mark Twain and Adam Smith
Adam Smith and Silas Marner: Heaps of Gold
Smithian Sympathy in the Arabian Nights
Gulliver's Travels: Adam Smith's Favorite Novel
Adam Smith Suggests You Read a Romance Novel (And Have a Laugh At Yourself)
Jane Austen's Theory of Moral Sentiments: Sense, Sensibility, and Adam Smith
Jane Austen's Theory of Moral Sentiments: Pride, Prejudice, and Prudence
Jane Austen's Theory of Moral Sentiments: The Failed Speculator in Persuasion
Great Antidote Archive: Sarah Skwire on Pro-Market Literature and Feminism
Hidden Revolutionaries: Tristram Shandy and Adam Smith
Adam Smith Also Teaches Good Teaching
Heroes of the Smithian Turn, Part 1 of 2
Heroes of the Smithian Turn, Part 2 of 2
The Impartial Spectator(s) & The Standing Chandelier
Sympathy for Affliction: Adam Smith and Charles Dickens
Adam Smith Knew Why We’d Love Jane Austen
Jeremy Lott on Comics, Adam Smith, and More