Speaking of Smith Archives

Great Antidote Deep Dive: Walter Olson on Election Fraud

Juliette Sellgren and Walter Olson

The peaceful transfer of governmental power is an important American tradition. Real and imagined threats to that idea put Americans in danger. 

Walter Olson on Election Fraud

Walter Olson with Juliette Sellgren

In the past and still today, many people claim that 2016, 2018, and 2020 elections were marred by illegal votes and voter suppression. Juliette Sellgren and Walter Olson address the myths and realities of US election fraud.

Adam Smith and the Economic Concept of Repugnance

Walter Castro and Julio J. Elías for AdamSmithWorks

Some kinds of transactions are repugnant in some times and places and not in others. In Smith, there is an empiricist and practical morality, which could change.

Great Antidote Deep Dive: Thomas Hoenig on Inflation and the Federal Reserve

Juliette Sellgren with Thomas Hoenig

Beginning in 2010, Thomas Hoenig voted "No" so often on the
Federal Open Market Committee that he became known as "Mr. No." Why did Hoenig refuse to support expansive Federal Reserve purchasing? Sellgren invites Hoenig to talk about his past experiences and how it helps us think about our present.