Jon Murphy

Nicholls State University
Dr. Jon Murphy is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Nicholls State University and Research Fellow at the Institute for an Entrepreneurial Society at Syracuse University. Dr. Murphy has published six academic papers as recently as February, 2023, while he was an Instructor at Western Carolina University. His papers have appeared in journals such as the Journal of Institutional Economics, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, the Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, and more. Dr. Murphy earned B.S. in Economics from Framingham State University where he also served as a tutor of basic economic and business principles. Dr. Murphy received both his M.A. in Economics and Ph.D. in Economics from George Mason University where he also was a Graduate Lecturer from May 2018 - May 2019 and Ph.D. Fellow for the Mercatus Center from August 2019 - May 2022 while also teaching intro microeconomics and macroeconomics as an Adjunct Professor at Frederick Community College from January 2019 - March 2023. Dr. Murphy also worked in the private sector from June 2011 - July 2016 as an Economist for ITR Economics. Dr. Murphy currently has three working papers and has written for, the Online Library of Liberty and Economics, and has published book reviews in acclaimed journals such as the Independent Review.
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- When Can Superiors Act Superior?
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- The Impartial Spectator(s) & The Standing Chandelier
- Jon Murphy on The Jones Act and Adam Smith
- Smithian Sympathy and Horrible Surprises
- Avoid Traps with Adam Smith and Gordon Tullock
- The British East India Company: A Case About Sovereignty
- Adam Smith and the Knowledge Problem
- Jon Murphy on The Jones Act and Adam Smith
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- Teaching Smith in a Modern Law and Economics Course