Speaking of Smith Archives

#ReadWithMe: Ritchie Robertson’s The Enlightenment Part 7: Doing Cosmopolitan History

Amy Willis for AdamSmithWorks

Has happiness been caught? Amy Willis' last entry in her #ReadWithMe on Ritchie Robertson's
The Enlightenment talks about benevolent despots, the inevitability of (some) violence in revolutions, the central role of the preservation of liberty, and who gets to claim the mantle of reason. 

What Adam Smith Ate: Ice Cream

Renee Wilmeth for AdamSmithWorks

While we don’t know if Adam Smith had a favorite flavor of ice cream, we do know that it was a popular treat in his circle.
James Boswell writes that in 1775 he had “an excellent supper” at David Hume’s home in Edinburgh with “three sorts of ice creams,” an incredible luxury for the time.