Daniel B. Klein

George Mason University
Daniel B. Klein is a Professor of Economics at George Mason University where he leads the Smithian Political Economy Program and is JIN Chair at the Mercatus Center. Mr. Klein holds degrees from both George Mason University and New York University, where he studied the connection between economics and classical liberalism. Mr. Klein is the author of the Knowledge and Coordination: A Liberal Interpretation, and Smithian Morals, a work discussing the nuances in Adam Smith's form of liberalism and his views on liberty, ethics, religion, and individualism. Klein is also the co-author of Curb Rights: A Foundation for Free Enterprise in Urban Transit, has co-authored the website FDAReview.org with Dr. Alex Tabarrok and has edited and co-edited many other books such as What Do Economists Contribute?: a collection of published articles from some of the most impactful economists in world history such as F.A. Hayek and Deirdre McCloskey. Mr. Klein works closely with many research organizations as a Senior Fellow at the Fraser Institute, Associate Fellow at Stockholm's Ratio Institute, and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute. Mr. Klein is also the Chief Editor of Econ Journal Watch, and has published research on political economy and moral philosophy in journals such as Economic Inquiry, Econ Journal Watch, and the American Journal of Economics and Sociology.
- Adam Smith on Upside and Downside
- Just Sentiments—Welcome!
- Isn’t It Odd? The Project on Smith, Hume, Liberalism and Esotericism
- Great Antidote Deep Dive: Daniel Klein on Adam Smith's Justice
- Adam Smith and Angels with Dirty Faces
- Daniel Klein on Adam Smith's Justice
- Benevolence, Beneficence, and Beneficialness
- Daniel B. Klein on Hayek and The Band-Man
- TMS’s Appeal Has Moved with Openness to Non-foundationalism: 35 Critics, 1765 to 1949
- TMS for Beginners
- Smith on Rousseau
- What’s Natural about Adam Smith’s Natural Liberty?
- Nature, Convention, & Natural Convention
- McCloskey’s Narrative and Jurisprudence
- FDR versus Liberalism: Quotations from David Green, 1987
- Roget.org and Other Sites to Bookmark
- Moral Sentiments, Active and Passive
- Even Homer Nods: My Line-edits to The Theory of Moral Sentiments
- The Hume-Rousseau Affair
- Adam Smith on Self-Deceit
- Dan Klein on Smith: Self-Command, Pride, and Vanity
- Dan Klein on Smith: Self-Command, Pride, and Vanity
- Daniel B. Klein on Hayek and The Band-Man
- Daniel Klein on Adam Smith's Justice
- Essential Words in—and not in—Adam Smith's Essential Works
- Grateful to Whom, or What?
- Looking for Love
- McCloskey’s Narrative and Jurisprudence
- Pride and Vanity, After Adam Smith
- Propriety in Smith- Part 1
- Propriety in Smith- Part 2
- Raillery of Adam Smith: Praise-by-Blame in a 1764 Pamphlet on Slavery
- Reading Between the Lines in Adam Smith
- The Regularity of Irregularity
- The Welfare State Is Devoid of Generosity