Alice Temnick

United Nations International School
Alice Temnick is an Economics Instructor at the United Nations International School in Manhattan, an International Baccalaureate Examiner, an Instructor for Oxford Study Courses Summer Program at Harvard University, and serves as a Mentor Teacher for the Foundation for Teaching Economics. Previously, Alice taught IB, and AP Economics in Arizona.
- Prompt: Happiness and tranquility
- Prompt: Equality and natural talent
- An Attitude of Gratitude
- Do Not Take Peace For Granted
- Alice Temnick on Teaching, Learning, and Adam Smith's Education
- Great Antidote Extras: Robert Lawson on Educating for Economic Freedom and James Gwartney's Legacy
- On Transitioning to Online Teaching
- Joining The Club
- Alice Temnick on Adam Smith as an Educator
- Great Antidote Extras: David Henderson on Robert Solow
- On Gulliver, Swift, and Adam Smith
- On Gulliver, Swift, and Adam Smith: Part 2
- Great Antidote Extras: Ryan Hanley on The Morality of Markets
- On Gulliver, Swift, and Adam Smith
- Division of Labor and the Wealth of Nations
- Great Antidote Extras: Timothy Sandefur on Freedom's Furies
- Bellringers
- Prompts
- Reading Guides
- Prompt: Butcher, Brewer, Baker
- Prompt: Self-interest and prudence
- Teacher Resource Newsletter
- Prompt: What can be added?
- Activity: The Rule of Law and government officials
- Activity: Man of System
- Teaching through the Year: Seasonal Readings and Activities
- Activity: The Virtue of Justice
- Activity: The Virtue of Beneficence
- Activity: Treatment of Kings
- Activity: How Does Trade Prevent Famine?
- Prudence on the Prairie
- Prompt: How selfish are people?
- Prompt: How we react to wealth and poverty
- Rose Wilder Lane and the American Libertarian Movement
- Prompt: Groups and Privileges in Society
- Prompt: Property and Inequality
- Activity: Can we expect free trade?
- Activity: Division of labor and innovation
- Prompt: Wealth and money
- Activity: Adam Smith's Invisible Hand
- Alice Temnick on Adam Smith as an Educator
- Alice Temnick on Teaching, Learning, and Adam Smith's Education
- Extras: David Henderson on Robert Solow
- Extras: Henry C. Clark on Growth
- Extras: Kristi Kendall on Human Action and Inspiring Through Ideas
- Extras: Robert Lawson on Educating for Economic Freedom and James Gwartney's Legacy
- Extras: Ryan Hanley on The Morality of Markets
- Extras: Timothy Sandefur on Freedom's Furies