Speaking of Smith Archives

I Was Saved by Division of Labor

Michael Munger for AdamSmithWorks

No one in the “republic of science” foresaw the set of spontaneous orders that would be elaborated and constantly updated when the foundational discoveries were being made. Nevertheless, this procedure, “catheter ablation for A-fib,” is now performed 80,000 times each year in the U.S., and many times that number around the world.

What Adam Smith Ate: Tea (& maybe Breakfast Scones)

Renee Wilmeth for AdamSmithWorks

Tea in Scotland during Smith’s time was a critical component of breakfast (along with coffee, which was more common at home in Scotland than in England). A classic breakfast during Smith’s time was tea and toast – or rolls. (And for Smith, sometimes even strawberries) It was also an important social ritual during the day.