Items tagged with ‘adam smith for high school’
Division of Labor and the Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith and the U.S. Constitution
Is it Smith? Facts and Myths about the Life of Adam Smith
Prompt: Butcher, Brewer, Baker
Prompt: Self-interest and prudence
Activity: The Rule of Law and government officials
Activity: Men of public spirit
Adam Smith’s Pin Factory & the Division of Labor Pipe Cleaner Activity
Adam Smith Timeline Game: Scientific Innovations & Historic Moments
Activity: The Virtue of Justice
Activity: The Virtue of Beneficence
Activity: How Does Trade Prevent Famine?
Prompt: How selfish are people?
Prompt: How we react to wealth and poverty
Prompt: Groups and Privileges in Society
Prompt: Property and Inequality
Activity: Can we expect free trade?
Understanding the Limits of "The Extent of the Market"
Prompt: Happiness and tranquility
Prompt: Equality and natural talent
Prompt: Does hatred poison happiness?
Teaching through the Year: Seasonal Readings and Activities
#WealthOfTweets in the Classroom: Smith's Case for Free Trade